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Teams introduction 

Step 1: Click on the teams icon in your account 


  *you will be asked upon initial teams login to install the app.  Installation of the app is recommended but not necessary*

The next section will review the main functions your student will use in the teams program.


The teams option will open up a list your students classes. click on tiles to navigate to the virtual classroom. 


1.1  inside the virtual classroom

inside teams.jpg




A. Message from the teacher to the class- the teacher can post messages to the class for everyone in class to see

B. Assignment that has been posted for that class - the student can click view assignment to see assignment details and complete it.

C. Class livestream/ video - the student can click join and join a livestream of the class. After the class has completed this will be automatically uploaded as a video and accessible for 21 days. 

2:  Assignments icon Click the assignments icon to the left to see a list of assignments from all classes in a list.


3:  chat icon Click the chat icon then the icon marked with a red arrow to directly message teachers any questions about assignments

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