high school planning guide
The following information is provided for guiding high school students to be successful at OPCA. High school is a season of exciting academic growth and opportunities to experience many activities that will enhance the life of a future graduate. Great care should be taken to follow the guidelines below and become very familiar with the information given in this guide.
Each year of high school should be planned and entered with purpose and vision for the future success of every student as they enter adulthood with a “Biblical World View.”
A minimum of twenty-four (24) credits must be earned from the ninth through twelfth grades.
A minimum 2.0 GPA is required for graduation for all students.
Students must have a total of 24 credits in the following areas in order to graduate from OPCA.
Bible ........................................ 4 credits (one for each year at OPCA)
English ..................................... 4 credits
Math ......................................... 4 credits
Science .................................... 3 credits (2 of which will include a lab)
American History ..................... 1 credit
World History ........................... 1 credit
Financial Literacy .................... ½ credit
American Government ............. ½ credit
Performing Fine Arts ................ 1 credit
P.E. and Health ......................... 1 credit
Foreign Language .................... 2 credits (required for college)
Electives .................................. 4 credits
Based on state legislation and school policy, a 2.0 GPA is required for promotion and graduation.
A 90 - 100 4 5
B 80 – 89 3 4
C 70 – 79 2 3
D 60 – 69 1 1
F 59 – or below 0 0
NOTE: Per Florida State Statutes, there is a minimum number of class periods a student must be in attendance to receive credit for a course. When a student has accumulated more than 24 absences in a standard 1-credit class within the school year (excused or unexcused) the student is subject to losing credit for that course. The course would then need to be repeated.
OPCA student are required to sit for the College Board SAT or ACT prior to graduation from OPCA. This exam is typically taken in the student’s eleventh or twelfth grade year. The scores will be mailed to the students from the scoring agency.
Students are responsible for scheduling test dates. Universities and State Colleges require these tests.
Dual Enrollment provides eligible high school juniors and seniors with the opportunity to earn high school and college credits at the same time. Please contact the school office for eligibility requirements. Students participating in Dual Enrollment are responsible for transportation to and from the college campus. NOTE: The administration of OPCA reserves the right to adjust graduation requirements to match changing state requirements. Dual Enrolled students are to report to the Dual Enrollment Advisor any changes in class schedules. Dual Enrollment students are required to follow OPCA dress code at all times when on OPCA campus during school hours.
OPCA student are required to successfully complete at least one semester in a virtual class. This may be through FLVS, college class in dual enrollment, or another approved virtual class. The class may require the student to pay for the class.
Students may enroll for AP courses through FLVS or other courses not offered on campus at OPCA. The grades on these courses will become an official part of the student’s transcript.
OPCA students are encouraged to serve the community through volunteering. OPCA will submit qualified volunteer hours to the Bright Futures Scholarship office if the student’s volunteer meet the Bright Futures Standards.
At this time volunteer/community service hours are NOT required for graduation at OPCA
OPCA makes available counselors to assist students in career and college planning. College visit days, dual enrollment assistance, college fair visits, assistance in post-high school vocational and technical training enrollment are all facilitated by the OPCA High School Coordinator and Academic Advisor. Advice regarding high school class selection, Dual Enrollment class selection is readily available as it relates to the student’s college and career planning.
The OPCA course catalog is available through on the school website and in FACTS.
In everything we do, we do it unto the GLORY OF GOD.
We are a FAMILY.
We pursue EXCELLENCE in everything we do.
Seasonal extra-curricular athletic teams are available. Boys may try out for football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and cross-country. Girls may try out for volleyball, basketball, softball, soccer, cross-country, and cheerleading. In order to be eligible for athletic students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 per the Athlete Code of Conduct. Participation in a team sport will payment of a sports fee per each sport played. An athlete’s eligibility may be revoked due to inappropriate conduct, excessive absences from school or an individual class, or inappropriate attitude. The school Administrative Team reserves the right to revoke a student’s eligibility if excessive failing grades in the current school year endanger that student’s chances of being promoted. All eligibility rules apply for both athletes and cheerleaders.
It is our belief at OPCA that our coaches share in the mission of developing each student athlete into a responsible adult. OPCA athletics provides the student athlete an opportunity to be a part of a competitive team that strives for and is dedicated to excellence on the court/field and in the classroom. OPCA coaches seek to model respect and will, in turn, expect respect from student athletes. We believe that students on athletic teams represent the entire student body of OPCA both on and off the court/field.
Winning is not the most important objective of our athletic program. It is more important that students experience a positive life experience and learn values that they will take with them into life beyond high school.
We believe it is a privilege for students to participate in athletics at OPCA. With that privilege comes the inherent responsibility to maintain a Christian testimony and to live up to the academic and athletic success and reputation that OPCA athletes have enjoyed over the years. OPCA athletes represent not only their team but also the school, Old Plank Road Baptist Church and our local community. Athletes are expected to be role models to their peers. They are also expected to be willing to give more to their team and school than they expect in return.
The following is a list of standards all OPCA athletes shall follow:
Maintain a Christian testimony both on and off campus.
Follow rules set forth in the OPCA Handbook.
Set a positive example at school by being respectful to all faculty and staff.
Refrain from receiving excessive discipline referrals. Student eligibly to participate in athletics at OPCA will be determined by the behavior the student chooses to display. Students will be held accountable to the following standards:
15 Demerits – one game suspension
25 Demerits – one week suspension (Exception: Football—one week suspension from team)
30 Demerits – suspended for the season
35 Demerits – possible suspension from athletics for the remainder of the academic year
Attend all classes unless excused by parent or OPCA staff.
Conduct themselves in a positive manner while participating in a sporting event or other school sponsored activity.
Refrain from using unacceptable language while on school grounds, during a school sponsored activity, while on social media, or anywhere else.
Be a “Team” player with a positive, winning attitude.
If a student participates in athletics at OPCA, he/she must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA. Grades will be assessed twice per quarter (progress reports and report cards). If a student has a D or lower in any class, the student must attend help class in order to maintain eligibility to participate in athletics.
Any student quitting a team will be ineligible to play the next sport in the school year.
Additional information regarding OPCA athletics is available in the OPCA Athletic Handbook.